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-graphic of or relating to (such) a method of recording, printing, or transmitting. [2 definitions]
cardboard a rigid material made of layers of paper and used in packaging, signs, and the like.
caricature a depiction, in a drawing or verbal description, that deliberately exaggerates or distorts some features of the person or thing represented to produce a comic or grotesque appearance. [4 definitions]
draft board a body of citizens who select men for compulsory U.S. military service.
frigate bird any of various large tropical seabirds with a hooked beak and esp. long wings, that typically grabs prey away from other birds in flight.
graphic of or related to pictorial or typographical representations such as photography, painting, and printing. [7 definitions]
graphic arts arts such as etching or photography in which limited multiples of an image, each considered an original, are printed from the plate, screen, block, or piece of film on which the artist creates the image. [2 definitions]
gravid pregnant.
gravitate to move toward or be attracted to something by or as if by a force of gravity.
gravy boat an elongated, boat-shaped dish, often with a pouring spout, that is used for serving gravy or sauce.